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Club Constitution

The Club shall be called Enniskillen Rugby Football Club
The objectives of the club shall be playing, participating in and furtherance of the game of Rugby Football under the laws of the International Rugby Board and Athletics Board under the rules of the Northern Irish Amateur Athletics Association.
The Club shall consist of the following classes of membership
Playing members over 18 years of age on 1st September unless a full time student
Playing members over 18 years of age on 1st September and a full time student
Non playing members and Vice Presidents
Life members
Honorary members
Playing members under 18 years of age on 1st September
Associate members
Pavillion/Community members
Members in categories i, ii, iii. iv, and v shall be entitled to be present and speak at all Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings of the Club and shall be known as full members and have one vote on all proposals before the meeting.
Members in category vi and vii shall be entitled to be present and speak at all Annual or Extraordinary General Meetings of the club, but shall not be entitled to vote.
Members in category viii shall not be entitled to be present at Annual or Extraordinary General Meetings of the Club. It shall be a condition of membership for this category that their membership can be withdrawn immediately and without notice by any person appointed by the Management Committee to supervise the activities of these members.
The annual subscriptions in the categories i, ii, iii, vi, vii and viii in 3a above, from 1st September annually will be set at Annual General Meetings.
The Annual Subscription shall be in respect of the 12 month period from 1st September to 31st August, hereafter called the current year and the subscription for each current year shall be payable on or before 31st October of that year.
The Hon Treasurer, or some other person appointed by him, shall on the 1st December post in the clubhouse a list of members showing the subscriptions unpaid for the current year and in case any member shall allow his subscription to remain unpaid for 1 calendar month after such posting, such member shall not be entitled to use the facilities of the Club. Any member whose subscription remains unpaid for one year from the time, the same become due, shall thereupon cease to be a member of the Club.
Life or Honorary members may be elected by the Management Committee at their discretion. Honorary members shall not however be admitted to any of the privileges of membership until the expiration of a period of at least 2 days after their election.
All other candidates for full membership shall be proposed by one full member and seconded by another. The names and addresses together with the names of the proposer and seconder must be posted in the Clubhouse for at least 14 days previous to the meetings of the Management or other sub-committee delegated by the Management Committee which will ratify membership. The proposer and seconder of each candidate are generally responsible for his first year’s subscription and no new player shall be eligible for selection until he has paid his subscription.
Other categories of members other than full members may be elected at the discretion of the Management Committee or other sub-committee appointed by it provided that at no time does the number of such members become greater that three times the number of full members.
Each new full member of the Club shall receive a copy of the Constitution and Rules of the Club from the Convenor of the Committee which ratified his membership.
The affairs of the Club shall be managed by the MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE consisting of the following:
Senior Vice President
Junior Vice President
Honorary Treasurer
Honorary Secretary
Convenor/Chairman of Rugby Committee
Finance and Development Committee
House and Grounds Committee
Entertainment and Functions Committee
Club Trustees

Three elected Club members who do not hold office or any other position within the Club.
A presence of 5 members of the Management Committee is required to form a quorum; and by a RUGBY COMMITTEE consisting of the following:
Committee Chairman/Convenor
Club Captain
Chairman of the Selection Committee
Youth Convenor
Mini Rugby Convenor
Ladies Convenor
Player representatives from 2nd 3rd and 4th XVs
Match Secretary
Fixtures Secretary
Ulster Branch Representative

The President, Hon Treasurer and Hon Secretary are ex-officio members to all Club Committees and Sub-Committees.

The Management Committee shall meet 12 times in each year and shall be concerned with all matters appertaining to the administration and affairs to the club and shall have the power to call for and consider reports from the Rugby Committee. The Management Committee shall have the power to form Sub Committees to deal with such subjects as it shall deem appropriate.

The Rugby Committee shall deal with all matters appertaining to the playing of Rugby Football and shall be responsible for same to the Management Committee to whom it should present reports with firm recommendations as appropriate. It shall have authority to for sub-committees to deal with selection, coaching, ground maintenance and improvement, youth policy etc. Rugby teams representing the club shall be selected by such a sub-committee consisting of all team captains and such others elected or co-opted members as the Rugby Committee may see fit.
The names of members of all club committees and sub-committees shall be shown in the fixture book for the current year. All such sub-committees shall consist of at least 3 members
The Management Committee shall appoint Trustees of the club and the property of the club shall be considered as vested in the said Trustees for the time being. They shall deal with the property of the Club as directed by the resolutions of the Management Committee of which any entry in the Minute Book shall be conclusive evidence and they shall be indemnified against loss or expense out of club property. The Management Committee shall have the power to change the Trustees at any time at their discretion.
The Management Committee shall have the power to make, alter or add to the rules of the Club as occasion may require and shall be the sole interpreter of aforesaid rules.
The Honorary Treasurer shall collect and take charge of the funds of the Club, keep regular and correct accounts and books showing receipts, expenditure and financial affairs of the Club and shall present an audited set of accounts and a balance sheet at the Annual General Meeting.
The Honorary Secretary shall keep minutes of all General Meetings of the Club, minutes of all meetings of the Management Committee, be responsible for all correspondence to and from the Club and be responsible for ensuring the general administration of the Club is in compliance with the Club Constitution.
No member of the Club shall be expelled for misconduct or wilful breach of the rules of the Club except by a ruling at the Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for that purpose. The Management Committee shall however have the power to suspend the membership of anyone who shall be deemed to be guilty of such misconduct.
The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held not later than 31st May each year at such time and place as the Management Committee shall determine. A notice convening such a meeting shall be displayed prominently in the Clubhouse at least 14 days before any such meeting. At least 10 full members must be present and in case no quorum assembles within 30 minutes after the time stated on the notice, the meeting shall stand adjourned until the same day in the following week at the same hour and place and so on in like manner. The President of the Club shall take the chair. On divisions, the Chair shall have a vote and in cases of equality a casting vote.
An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Club shall be convened by the Honorary Secretary on receiving a requisition signed by at least 10 full members. The notice convening the meeting must state the reason for the meeting and otherwise comply with requirements and procedure of the Annual General Meeting. No other business shall be dealt with at the Extraordinary General Meeting other than as stated on the notice convening the meeting.
The business of the Annual General Meeting shall consist of:
Address by out going President
Honorary Treasurers report
Honorary Secretary's report
Club Captains report
Election of the members of the Management Committee annually consisting of:
Vice President
Vice President
Convenor/Chairman of Rugby Committee
Convenor of Finance and Development Committee
Convenor of House and Grounds Committee
Convenor of Entertainment and Functions Committee

Three Club members who do not hold any office or position within the Club and these members will serve a maximum of 2 consecutive years and will have to be re-elected each year. These members may also be voted off the Management Committee after 1 year.

All of these positions will be elected annually and full Club members will be nominated for these offices by the Management Committee.

Any nominations for these offices, other than those made by the Management Committee must be given to the Honorary Secretary in writing 14 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting.
The election of the Honorary Auditor who shall not be a member of the Management Committee.
The election of the Rugby Committee consisting of:
Club Captain
Chairman of the Selection Committee
Youth Convenor
Mini Rugby Convenor
Ladies Convenor
Player representative from 2nd 3rd and 4th XVs
Match Secretary
Fixtures Secretary
Ulster Branch Representative
Election of team Captains

Any change in this constitution can only be made after such a change has been proposed and seconded on the notice convening the Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting and passed at the same meeting.
The Club shall not be dissolved except by the consent of three quarters of the full members to be testified by their signatures to resolution providing for such dissolution.
The club recognises and promotes the principal of equality amongst its members and strictly forbids discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, gender, religion and politics.